Monday, August 30, 2010

Turquoise Seas

I fell in love with this lake somewhere in Washington. It doesn't look that inviting in pictures but in real life, it's a vision. Turquoise waters, greenery and white clouds go very well together. What a beauty! It was totally breathtaking, like a painting you just want to touch and stare at. No, scratch that. It was like a movie set! Except I have neither a hand to hold nor a fabulous conquering-the-obstacles-of-my-life story. Epic my-life-is-averageness aside, I just wish I had the time to step out of the car and just stay there while being all emo and stuff. Hehehe. Makes for good "Alone but not lonely, I feel so blessed and happy" stories, don't you think? *stiffled whimper*