Friday, July 27, 2012

Happy Birthday, Tita E!

A few years ago, Tita E baked this cake that rose to be what we now call a bleeding heart cake. This is the result of leaving the oven in the presence of two cousins who, for their lives, cannot stop talking when they are together (that, and we did see the bleeding heart, we just didn't want to be the ones to break it to everybody.) 

I can associate my aunt with this cake of hers, for she has a heart that gives and gives. Among many things admirable about her, it is her generosity that far surpasses even those traits she seems to have an abundance of--grace and faith included. I am glad I have someone like Tita E in my life because in many ways, she is like a mother to me. She has never failed to support my own family in all our ups, downs and lowest of lows. She is a constant reminder that while life is tough and often times cruel, I will never walk alone. 

Happy birthday, Tita E. May you have many more to come.