Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Things I did this weekend: Wrote

I tweeted days ago that I need to earn more because my money, when not spent on graduate school readings, is almost like my food fund (They should be two separate things. Actually, I sometimes think that a food fund should not exist in a dignified 20 year old girl's life but well, I am also starting to think that I might not be a girl, just a rolling ball of something that thrives on food--occasional tumbles aside). It disturbs me that we can easily squander the money we have when it takes a long time to earn it back. For some twenty-somethings, money is spent on weekend getaways, weekly night outs, concert tickets, gadgets and clothes. For me, my money is spent largely on food and books. And I'm pretty sure that doesn't make me any better because I, the queen of excuses, cannot even justify my spending.

So, I've started taking small projects on the side (one of which involves writing about places like Ireland!) and putting a fourth of what I get for my food fund so that I can indulge myself once in a while. Not everyday, as I used to do. Baby steps.