Friday, October 7, 2011

Friday Wings

Friday Flaming Wings

I stayed up late the night before, working on a deadline about something that was not very much fun to do, so I thought I could use a very cheap order of buffalo wings from Flaming Wings the day after. I have some chicken wings sitting here at home so I'm going to try and make my own version although I'm scouring the web for recipes with just a mild kick. I've already been through Rachel Ray's videos but I got nothing except a small feeling that she might have a touch of Asperger's. That, and she must own the saltiest rug in all of America. 

Also: I'm starting The Lazarus Project by Aleksandar Hemon for the nth time (that's the book you sort of see in the picture). I really want to like this book but I can't even get past four chapters. I'll try better this time though. :(