Thursday, September 22, 2011

Things I did: White Wednesday edition

My International Law class is on a Wednesday. On that note, my Wednesdays are usually long and it does not end until a little after ten. It involves a lot of reading, writing, eating, and praying that I get called only when I have an answer. For this week, I armed myself with coffee, noodles and the color white (because a. I love a good laugh, b. I am lazy and c. I have no self-control I also have a wee bit of coffee addiction but that may also be filed in c).

I had a late lunch of gyoza and Chashu ramen (disappointing in two ways: no soft-boiled egg and it came with crunchy bits reminiscent of tempura batter. I finished it anyway so I guess I'm the real disappointment in this story.) Then, I...

...swore that I wouldn't touch food again (because by the size of it, my food baby is now ready to go to kindergarten).

Holly's Queen
I moved to Holly's Coffee to study because it's right next to the Andrew building. I quite like studying at Holly's because it's spacious and there's a long table there (right next to the picture above!) that I really like having to myself (and my slew of readings).

Then, I graciously broke my promise of not eating ever again with some iced coffee and a slice of cheesecake, which did not taste as good as it looked. It's more a tart than it is a cake.

Good crusts don't crumble
See? Good crusts don't crumble. (May also be filed in: baking philosophies that also work in real life)

Hello cute boy
At half past five, I waved goodbye to this cute Chinese boy (CHAROT) to go to school.

We also had a little bit of fun after class (a rarity since it is exhausting, most of the time). You guys have not met my grad group yet, yes? We all agreed to wear white (For the record, nobody looks good in white. Girls like me look extra terrible in white) for a prank we did not pull off successfully. There's always a next time. For now, here we are (well, some of us):
Grad school friends