Thursday, September 15, 2011

Climb every mountain

Some of my friends are fond of going on hikes around the Philippines. They always invite me out of courtesy but I've made it pretty obvious that I'm not one for the outdoors. I'm lazy and I'm not into roughing it. Unless there's a bed and bath at the foot of that mountain, I'm not going anywhere near it. (Mostly because a trek up a mountain in a humid climate is almost always equal to an asthma attack, and I really do not want that) The only thing I'm open to climbing is a step ladder to reach books on top of a high shelf, which I offset with a lot of lying down and reading later on.

But hey, I was able to trek Mt. Olympus in Washington. Okay, perhaps trek is an exaggeration since we really went up there for the food and I spent more time at the gift shop than anywhere else. The park had a skyline trail, a lodge and really, really fresh fish (because food is the only thing I remember from trips like this) from the rivers surrounding the mountain. I found some pictures I thought I lost in the process of setting up my computer. Check it:

Olympic National Park
600 East Park Avenue
Port Angeles, WA 98362