Hello! Let me tell you about what I've been up to lately. First up is a long-forgotten trip I've had under my internship. If you care to know, I'm currently on vacation already and as my cousin Ysabella puts it, "is in Florida naoooo and at the start of your 'round the US tour". If you could stop smirking and reflecting at the fact that I'm touring US and not Europe, you'd know that I miss North California. I think I may have fallen in love with that place much more than I thought I would. It's a total artists' mecca and a pretty nice place to set-up a life in. Oh, anyway let us move on.. I took a government sponsored trip before my internship ended and that took me to Tahoe and Reno! :)

My last major assignment for my internship was a Consulate on Wheels mission in Reno, Nevada. I teamed up with one of the senior members of the mission and handled Dual Citizenship. It was a bit tiring but it was fun. Reno is a nice place but it's definitely not my kind of place. There's a lot of gambling and drinking going on in Reno and I think it's a place you should go to if you're young, free and in the company of fabulous girl friends. All in all, it was a nice trip.