My aunts (I have a new set of host mothers here in the South, different from those in SFO) cooked steak for me on my first day and then took me to dinner somewhere in St. Augustine, a historic town built in 1556 by the first Spaniards in America. There is a lot of Mediterranean old-style architecture around town, with the buildings sporting predominantly Spanish and French styles. It's like a cross between a rustic villa in provincial Spain and New Orleans, before the whole Katrina debacle. I took a lot of pictures for posterity's sake. Here are some of them:
Some of the buildings around the park and by the place we had dinner in (I totally forgot the name, I fail at life like that). The town itself is by the sea so it has a nice sea breeze thing going on at any time of the day. These edifices are the rotunda, the basilica, the government's museum and a part of the Flagler College (more about it on later days).
Some photos of me just because I'd like to show everyone what it looks like when you physically turn for the worst. HAHAHA, JUST KIDDING. It's my blog, so you know.. I'm just re-enforcing the point. This is at (duh) Aviles Street.

And some proof that, obviously, I have waaaay too much fun in this town. I've had three cheesecake sessions in the span of five days--Key Lime, White Chocolate Lemon Raspberry, and Baklava and on work days when I'm left alone at home, I kind of work my way around the kitchen... Hahaha...
The pictures pretty much explain it all.. I got hungry so I made sundae.
Oh, I'm having a ball in this town. My next post will be about the beaches here. Not that anybody cares but I'm just in this whole blogging business for the benefit of my future self. I'm trying hard to totally enjoy myself in the coming weeks before I dive into the yuppie culture (I plan to work while I review and prepare for a rather rigorous and career centric 2011). Cross fingers! Good night! :)