Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Girl's Guide to Waking Up in Pieces

Girls Guide to Hunting and Fishing
"I saw my life in scale: it was just my life. It was not momentous. I saw myself the way I'd seen the cleaning woman in the building across the street. I was just one person in one window. Nobody was watching, except me."

I'm not really supposed to be reading this book but it is one of the books I read in between breaks of big books with big words and even bigger feelings. I don't like going through good books in rapid succession. It takes the magic away. So, I read this book. Light, predictable and somewhat hollow, I was going through the pages rather idly, smiling at the few angsty but witty observations scattered across pages, just waiting (and wanting) to reach the end. It went on like that, up until I read one small line:

"We are all children, until our fathers die."

And that was that because I still find myself in pieces, most of the time.