Thursday, May 5, 2011

God save the Queen

I don't have a lot of favorite singers from MY generation. My favorites are usually from my father's time or his father's. Until, of course, I found Adele--who turns 23 today (but who are we kidding, she has the depth of a 40 year old). I'm sure you know her by now as she is taking the mainstream entire music industry by storm, getting rave reviews from the kids of Glee to the snobbiest indie listeners. My eight year old sister, for one, just loves Adele's Rolling in the Deep. I know that at 8, she's not cognizant enough to recognize the hurt, despair and misery in the song but I just know she knows Adele has incredible talent. I love that song myself. I'm glad Adele's talent resonates to all.

The magic of Adele's music proves that talent knows no genre. She is truly a spectacular performer and I just love how she banks on talent alone. No eccentricities. No elaborate dance moves (well, her music is not really danceable). No frills. And definitely no gimmicks (I do love me some Lady Godga but Adele is just on a highly different class of her own). I especially love her honesty, both in her music and in her interviews. She's just so transparent but classy. My friends and I closely follow Adele and judging from stories of her admitting that she "smokes and drinks more than a lot" and that she's "scared of moving to bigger venues because she wants to keep her performance as intimate as possible", one knows that she really IS Queen. All cool, calm, and collected. Of course, another reason why I look up to her so much (aside from her ability to beautifully put into words all the emotions in her heart of hearts) is the fact that she never really cared about society--with all that unsolicited (and sometimes, very demeaning comments) advice about her weight, her vices, her craft. I hope she stays the same for a long, long time.

Happy birthday to the Queen!

PS: Here's another performance of Adele that I just love--a special performance of an Etta James original, I Just Want to Make Love to You. Such a sexy song, such an exceptional cover!

Preach, sister, preach!