The older people (and everyone's older than me by at least ten years) in the Con Gen were enjoying a rather hearty and long lunch with the Ambassador's wife today, so I was able to go out and buy Time magazine and some Starbucks during my break. It's not that I'm not allowed to go out, it's just that I don't want to run into them and have them think I'm slacking off. I also want to finish as much work as I can so I usually take short breaks. Today, what was initially a Walgreen's run became a mad dash for Macy's--conveniently located a few (and by few, I mean the five-minute walking distance kind) blocks away from our building. It's sale season (weekend super sale where prices are marked down 70% to 50% off) so how can I resist?
Tomorrow, we're going to do some more shopping and then, we'll go around the city. On sunday, it's a must that we sleep early so that we can make it to the office on time. The ballot counting starts at 0200am, in sync with Manila's 0600pm start. Exciting. I'll bring a lot of reading materials. Or occasionally drop by Borders. Hehehe. Just kidding!
Best work day so far in that I'm beginning to get a grip on work, the people and what I want to do with my life. I also now know how to take the edge off the hours--concentrate on the work to be done and not think about it at all. The people are really nice and helpful, though. They're intimidating but that's a good sign. If they aren't, I'll be worried. Anyway, my goal is to complete my internship in a week and a half. With the log I'll be getting on monday (We'll be there all day and night, as in 0100am call-time), I think I'll be able to. Thank you, God for the elections. Most importantly, for everything! I'm very happy I get to intern in a foreign post because it's a rare (and a bit difficult to secure) opportunity for students like me.
Today, in pictures!
There was an art festival of some sort at Union Square today, some of the easels were just on display while others had painters working on the obra maestras.

And today, there was a surplus of young people hanging around San Francisco.
Tomorrow, we're going to do some more shopping and then, we'll go around the city. On sunday, it's a must that we sleep early so that we can make it to the office on time. The ballot counting starts at 0200am, in sync with Manila's 0600pm start. Exciting. I'll bring a lot of reading materials. Or occasionally drop by Borders. Hehehe. Just kidding!
How is everybody? Who are you voting for? Did you attend any meeting de avances? I can't vote because I'm not registered here so to compensate for that, I'm going to be a poll watcher instead. If you have a chance to vote, don't throw it away! Participate and vote for the candidate that you really want--regardless of what other people say. :) Bye.