It's Choose Day! Choose Mayer Hawthorne.
The wonder that is Mayer Hawthorne just released How Do You Do (I think the vinyl version comes out today!). I fan girl over him a lot in Twitter and I think I do that for good reason. If you listen to his songs and watch him perform, you would soon find out that this guy is a rockstar but not just any rockstar, he's a class act.

For one, his songs are perfectly arranged so you can just listen to his album all day. Two, he looks and acts like he belongs in a George Clooney-Ryan Gosling movie, like he knows exactly how to charm you and leave you craving for his approval. (Filed in: Untoward prejudicial statements on people I have never even met. May also be filed in: Disturbing illusions that I hope the world will not shatter. Ever.) He's so guapo in a "Well, hell-o. I am a throwback soul singer who looks like a cross between Don Draper, a young Sinatra and a hipster" kind of way. What. A. Fox. Third, damn, there is no third. Are you kidding me? It's been a year since I got my hands on his Strange Arrangement album and listening to "Make Her Mine" still makes me fall in love (when you do get Strange Arrangement for yourself, listen to "Your Easy Lovin' Aint Pleasin' Nothin'", "No Strings", "Let Me Know", "The Ills" and "Green Eyed Love" as well. Killer songs, I tell you!) He also released an EP called "Impressions" earlier this year but except for the fantastic crooning in the beauty that is "You've Got The Makings of a Lover", I can't say I liked it that much.
Echoing Keishia, who runs this music blog, I also think Mr. Hawthorne's new album is nice but it's no Strange Arrangement. That first one was perfect. To romantacize it a bit, I could say it transcended ages. There's something so sexy about soul. There's always something sexy about soul. Anyway, we're not here to wax philosophical about the wonderful album that is Strange Arrangment. We're here to welcome new things! (Mostly, new tracks from the new album!)
Here's a quick rundown of my favorite tracks from his new album, "How Do You Do." My favorite is, of course, the sexy track "No Strings". I first heard this in January of 2011 and I think it's great that he included a more upbeat version in the album. It sounds a lot more live than the old track I used to listen to. I also like "Finally Falling", "Get to Know You", "The Walk", and "Hooked". I was so excited to hear "Can't Stop", a track he worked on with Snoop Dogg, but I have to say that their collaboration on "Gangsta Luv" is so much better. The album is still wonderful though. It's a lot of fun to listen to. Also, I really liked reading "And to all the beautiful women in the world: thanks for the inspiration. - Mayer Hawthorne" at the bottom of his new album's thank you message (what do you call this part of the album?) for no reason other than I am a girl, he is sexy, and messages like that excite me.
I love this live performance of No Strings. He also covers Beautiful for a bit at the end (you know, that Pharell x Snoop Dogg song of the olden days) but the real winner is the first few minutes of the video. At 0:54, he looks directly at the camera, points at it and sings the line "I saw you looking at me girl..."
Mein Gott. Sinful thoughts, be gone.
PS. Thank you, Detroit. Love, All the women in the world.