Sunday, September 5, 2010

There Is Nothing Like A Dame

Life is a big game of disappointment management, we all know that. I know I'm allowed to lose my faith in humanity (or family) once in a while but I will live. I can find ways to keep myself happy like plotting world domination or opening a box full of my favorite things. You know, the simple stuff. Speaking of, my boxes from Seattle are finally here. I know I helped in packing it and all but opening it was like Christmas in September! :) In it came the remainder of my shoes, clothes and some stuff for the rest of my family. My playbills, maps, restaurant postcards and other paper memorabilia were in the box, too. It feels so long ago but hey I had a grand time and that's what matters. :)
Girls of all ages swoon at the sight of Angel Corella in ABT's Romeo and Juliet but I have to say that South Pacific was my favorite. I don't care if that makes me sound uncultured. I really enjoy theater more than ballet, plus we had excellent seats. Excellent enough for wonderful thespians to look you in the eye as they sing in chest-baring nautical outfits. Heh. I also love the songs. It's a shame Matthew Morrisson blew up before I got the chance to watch him play Lt. Cable :">

Also, who wouldn't be happy with books that were practically for free? This should cover the rest of the year or the whole month of September, at the very least. I will arrange them soon and then I will make a list so that I can finally have a decent collection of books. From now on, I'm going to get them back whenever they are borrowed. Like A Boss an adult.

The two towers. I took home a lot of Sinatra coffee table books, European travel guides (for future reference :D), memoirs of political leaders, books I once had but were borrowed and books I've been meaning to read but was too stingy to purchase (mostly chick-lit and overhyped books/authors). :) For a little over $100, it's not bad. :D

Augh. I just feel so blah today. I'm going to cheer myself up by arranging my shelf. I'll leave you with this. It's an amazing medley. Watch out for There Is Nothing Like A Dame. Total Lonely Hearts song:
There are no booooooks like a daaaaaaame.... :D