Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Class (1983)

I'm trying to watch all the eighties films that starred the Brat Pack so when I read from an online source that Class was Andrew McCarthy, John Cusack and Rob Lowe's first forray into acting, I didn't hesitate. Obviously, just like any McCarthy/Cusack movie, I fell in love with it as they wrote the definition of charming. I tried to cap the entire movie but I ended up so engrossed (even if it wasn't my first time to watch it) that I was only able to cap a chosen few. What can I say? I think Class beats National Lampoon and American Pie movies but I don't think they belong to the same genre. Class switches from drama to comedy without any segue while the latter set played with only comedy and sex, without any other sub-plots. This movie is so full of cliches but that's precisely why we love and buy all plots about coming-of-age, isn't it? If you liked The Graduate (1967), you'll love The Class (1983) too.