Thursday, May 24, 2012

This Means War

I watched this movie over the weekend and I've been watching bits of it every night after I come home from work. It's just an adorable movie about two spies (best friends, no less) pining over the golden blonde, gorgeous girl. Although it's a typical romantic comedy with an utterly predictable ending (which I liked, by the way), I still love it. It's a good movie for anyone with spare time. It has bits and pieces of Gustav Klimt, guns, cars blowing up and a silly but hilarious scene involving a Friday Night Spy version of This Is How We Do It. I've always liked Reese Witherspoon and I cannot, for my life, stop staring at the gorgeous eyebrows framing those deep blue eyes of Chris Pine. What are you doing? Watch it! 

Here are some other links I've read this week: 
Why Phillip Phillips won American Idol. - SoCal baby Jessica Sanchez losing to Phillip Phillips of the Mid West is perhaps the most upsetting news in our country today, after the soap opera over at our Impeachment Court and the constant push and pull between respecting LGBT rights and Church dogma.

Speaking of American Idol babies, have you seen Katherine McPhee playing a naive theater ingenue on Smash? Why haven't you started a TV marathon yet? It's like Glee for Broadway babies and theater nerds. This is the show Rachel Berry would watch and follow until oblivion had she been a real person. 

Slate Magazine (a sister magazine of Foreign Policy) explains how cranes get on top of tower skyscrapers. (I've always wondered how. You have been, too.) Slate also has a piece on the best comedy/mockumentary show out there today, Modern Family, on its cold-witted but warm-hearted humor. I love that show. 

Sweet Bonus: Life inside Facebook from Time Techland because it is the coolest office in the world right now.

Deadly Meetings in the Workplace from WSJ. I think this is quite helpful especially if you're with a team or a department that conducts weekly or daily meetings. Which one are you?

I love these very unscientific drawings about the anatomy of sea life over at pleated-jeans. I love the octopus best, of course. *cough* 

Favorite cooking blogs: Momofuku for two (because I do not live in New York and therefore, don't have access to the Momofuku Ssam Bar anytime I want to) and breakfast & brunch recipes from 101 cookbooks. I am happy to note that I have finally perfected fritata for one. Wee! 

Lastly, Stephen Walt's smart-ass article about the recently concluded G8 convention. I especially love the wonderful Star Trek convention reference, although I'm pretty sure Sheldon Cooper will beg to digress. Bonus: How to refute the logic of a Thomas Friedman op-ed, in which by imploring Michael Bloomberg to run for president, Thomas Friedman refutes the past version of himself. And in an excellent display of reason, Stephen Walt lists ten things that would have happened had neocons backed off and let realists run U.S. foreign policy.