Sunday, February 12, 2012

Pop-A-New Guineas!

Hello! My sister has been so good to her first guinea pig, Chloe, that another guinea pig didn't seem like a bad idea. Behold, she now has four (two fluffy Abyssinians and two American guinea pigs) and I'm happy to write that they get along swimmingly in their new "cage". It isn't really a cage, it's a rather long and spacious aquarium I filled with wood shavings and food. They did a lot of running around and popcorning the first time we put them there. Aren't they cute? :) All they do is eat and run around but I'm hoping we can train them as a special squad that will later on help save humanity, you know, kind of like G-Force? Yup. I noticed that Chloe doesn't wheek as much as she used to when she was alone. I guess guinea pigs are really social animals, a lot like my sister but a whole lot less like me. Although, they do eat more than they ought to and that gives us a common ground. More pet news after the cut.

In other pet-related news, one of my Budgies (the girl, Colette) is sick and I don't know why:
Her male companion though, is up and sprightly, looking guapo as ever:
And of course, you have a token picture of my dog because he is and will always be my favorite. How I wish we could get him a girlfriend. *sigh*

I apologize for not writing better things in this blog. The first few weeks of my 2012 left a lot to be desired in the love department but it was filled with work, travel, books and a bit of school-related news friends have heard of but not really heard about. I'm going to get to it soon. I just need to shake off this bug I currently have: an addiction to reading romance. In many ways, it is so wrong but so right. If I am not haphazardly catching up on things I was supposed to be doing hours ago, I'm flipping my way through another novel. It's been a vicious cycle. *sigh* *shrug* 

Happy weekend!