Saturday, September 11, 2010

Long weekends are for lounging around in your pyjamas


I believe long weekends are for mixing work and play so I snatched up a couple of very cheap books (To add to my book queue! I guess I can go ahead and read French Milk since it has very little text) and FP's special war issue (If there is a topic I really need to read up on, security studies would be it) just so I can have a productive1 weekend. Balance is the key since next week will be a lot tricky. Decisions, decisions. Anyho, cheerio! A happy weekend to all. :)

1Productive differs from person to person. My definition of a productive weekend includes reading my books, fangirl flailing over the charmer that is John Lloyd Cruz, and hearing tidbits of gossip on local tv. Sometimes I do these one at a time, but there are weekends when I like to do them simultaneously. Yes, my zest for life is somewhat deceiving and kind of sad. Oh, such is the life. Hey, at least I make up for it through extensive reading. Heh. :D